• Frequently Asked Question

DISCOVER / Needs Assessment

We start with a needs assessment to understand your business, your people and your objectives. From discovery meetings with your key stakeholders to survey and focus groups to a review of available data, we dig deep into your business to understand it. We assess what’s working and what’s not. We define winning behaviors and how they tie to your overall corporate objectives and culture.

DESIGN / Strategic Program Design

We work closely with you to determine the best solution to address your business challenge. We then provide you with a program recommendation complete with the overall structure including platform, reward currency, communication strategy, and ROI analysis, just to name a few. We work to refine the program together ensuring your every need is met. The end result, a strategy that drives those behaviors and your business forward.

DELIVER / Evaluation and Refinement

But it doesn’t stop there. We’re not just looking at the short-term. We are always working with you to evaluate the success of the program and refining as needed to maximize ROI, ensuring we keep pace with your business and needs of your program participants.

DEVELOP / Program Design

Once the basic program is agreed to we work to build it out complete with rules, reporting metrics and a full communication plan.

DEPLOY / Execution

We work with you to excite participants about the program and launch it with training for all, from participants to program administrators. We ensure that the program is kept fresh with ongoing communication and program refreshes and updates. We keep your team connected to your company